
Treatment of diabetes with stem cells

Diabetes (or diabetes) is one of the most common chronic diseases in human societies today. This disease is also called "silent killer". People with the disease are at risk for cardiovascular problems, strokes, kidney failure, and eye diseases (and even blindness) in the long run.Fortunately, by controlling this disease, these...


Organ transplantation and the need for a new attitude

Numerous field studies indicate an increase in the incidence of chronic non-communicable diseases in our country. About half of people over the age of 50 in our country suffer from high blood pressure. About a quarter of people have some degree of kidney failure. It is estimated that in the...


Corona vaccine; Truth or deception

The Corona epidemic has affected millions of people around the world in the past few months, causing extensive human and financial losses. There is no definitive cure for this disease. One way to fight this viral disease is to get vaccinated. In recent weeks, there have been several reports of...


Organ transplant

Organ transplantation has become an important treatment at a time when chronic diseases are the leading cause of death in humans.Advances in medicine and life sciences have led to an increase in human life expectancy in the last hundred years. As a result, chronic diseases are now the leading cause...


History, Iranian identity and the wave of globalization

It was reported in the news that a part of Iran's history has been removed from high school textbooks. The question may be, what is the significance of this issue? What is the benefit of knowing history in this age of information explosion? The fact is that history is part...


Vaccine war rich and poor

The corona epidemic has been associated with great loss of life and property. Observance of personal and social health and social distance have prevented the spread of the disease to some extent, but these measures have also been accompanied by many financial and psychological damages. Many businesses have closed and...