Vaccine war rich and poor
f.rezaei2021-12-24T01:43:19+03:30The corona epidemic has been associated with great loss of life and property. Observance of personal and social health and social distance have prevented the spread of the disease to some extent, but these measures have also been accompanied by many financial and psychological damages. Many businesses have closed and gone bankrupt. All countries, especially developing or poor countries, are facing recession as a result of this epidemic. Scientific studies have shown that vaccines can greatly prevent the spread of the disease or prevent severe cases of disease and mortality. Therefore, many countries have made vaccination a priority in order to control this epidemic and the damage caused by it. This issue has become a dispute between countries over the supply of vaccines. Statistics show that rich countries have ordered vaccines more than three times their population. Demand is so high that vaccine companies are having difficulty meeting their obligations; For example, some European countries have begun to criticize these companies and even threaten them. The vaccine war has escalated to the point that the Secretary-General of the World Health Organization has criticized the language and expressed concern about the insufficient allocation of vaccines to poor countries. Evidence shows that countries around the world have entered the vaccine war to provide the vaccine needed by their populations and to get out of this epidemic and its consequences. The world is in a state of great injustice and inequality, and the Corona epidemic will widen the gap between rich and poor countries. Vaccine disputes appear to be exacerbating inequality between countries. Although the World Health Organization is trying to give poor countries access to the vaccine through a global program, the bargaining power of rich countries will shift the scales in their favor, especially as many vaccine-producing countries become profitable. They have made it their first priority. Our country has not been safe from the human and financial losses of this disaster; Therefore, the preparation of the vaccine and its mass presentation should be among the national priorities. Vaccination, whether internal or external, should be pursued with great diligence away from political and factional issues. It is a blessed thing to produce domestic vaccines and import foreign vaccines, which will be effective in repelling this scourge of homelessness from our land. Fortunately, our country has taken good steps in purchasing the Russian vaccine, which has recently performed well in clinical trials. It is hoped that by providing effective foreign vaccines and then producing domestic vaccines, our country and our compatriots will get rid of this global scourge.
Dr. Reza Saidi Firoozabadi – Transplant surgeon