Tag - transplant

Familiarity with pancreas transplantation

The pancreas is an organ inside the abdomen that helps digest food and regulate blood sugar.Pancreas transplantation was first performed in 1967 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The main use of this transplant is in diabetic patients who also have kidney failure. In these patients, either the pancreas and the kidney can...


Familiarity with liver transplantation

Liver transplantation is now the best treatment for many chronic liver diseases that have reached the end stage and no other treatment is possible for them.Many of these patients suffer from complications such as jaundice, fluid accumulation in the abdomen, gastrointestinal bleeding, recurrent infections, or liver cancer.Liver transplants were first...


Familiarity with 10 misconceptions about organ transplantation

There is a misconception among people about organ transplantation that it is the ultimate treatment for the failure of vital organs such as the kidneys, liver, heart and lungs.Here are 10 of these misconceptions:1- Having an organ donation card causes doctors not to make enough efforts to save the life...


Familiarity with early transplant complications

Transplant surgery is one of the major surgeries, so early complications after transplantation are relatively common.Fortunately, many of these side effects can be treated quickly. We refer here only to the early complications that are common to all transplants, regardless of the type of organ transplant.An important part of these...


Organ transplant

Organ transplantation has become an important treatment at a time when chronic diseases are the leading cause of death in humans.Advances in medicine and life sciences have led to an increase in human life expectancy in the last hundred years. As a result, chronic diseases are now the leading cause...