Linking members and community
f.rezaei2021-12-24T01:34:28+03:30Organ transplantation and its role in our society is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires special attention. In this discussion, special attention should be paid to the provision of members, transplant team, anti-transplant rejection drugs, complications, transplant results, patients’ quality of life and costs.
First of all, it should be noted that transplantation is a treatment method for patients suffering from organ failure such as heart, kidney or liver. Unfortunately, not all of these patients have organ transplant surgery, and others still need to be cared for due to organ failure, and some will die. What patients the community prioritizes for transplantation needs to be discussed and evaluated at the community level. For example, should young people be given priority over older people?
Second, transplant patients cannot survive without the necessary support. These supports have different social and economic aspects. Given the limitations of each community, to what extent should resources be spent on these patients? This is a big question that every society should pay attention to. For example, with the prevalence of chronic diseases, many of which eventually lead to organ death or failure, to what extent should organ transplantation be given priority as the definitive treatment for these patients? Organ transplantation is expensive, but treating patients with organ failure is much more expensive. On the other hand, the life expectancy and quality of life of transplant patients is far better than that of patients with organ failure.
Third, the provision of organs for self-transplantation is an issue that has different social aspects. In some transplants, such as the kidney or liver, a live donor can be used. This work is accompanied by special issues such as specific moral and cultural issues.
Every society should deal with this based on its own issues, especially cultural and moral issues. For example, what should be the principles of organ donation from a living donor? How should payers be respected? … These are issues that every society has to solve for itself, and it may not be a good solution for our society to rely on the role models of others.
Another issue is the use of corpse organs. In this regard, the use of organs of brain dead patients in our country is accepted medically, legally and religiously. However, it should be borne in mind that sometimes, due to the condition of the brain dead patient, the conditions for the use of their organs are not possible. Culturally, in some parts of the country, this issue still needs more cultural work. The use of limbs whose heart and lungs are restored is also one of the issues that society must address. This work has been accepted in many societies of the world, but it has not been considered in our country yet.
Fourth, the role of technology and research in organ donation and organ transplantation in society must be clarified. It should be noted that organ transplantation was initially purely research. Many patients and scientists in this field have brought it to the current stage with their cooperation and self-sacrifice. There is no doubt that improving transplant results requires more work in technology and research. What should be the principles of these activities? Our society must pay attention to these issues due to its special circumstances.
Finally, it should be noted that issues related to organ procurement and transplantation are not limited to the elite of the field. Although there is no doubt in their role in informing the society, but the inattention of the general public will cause this issue can not be raised in the society with transparency and the society will have many doubts about it. Raising these issues at the community level may not be easy, but it will ultimately lead to community transparency and trust in the field.
This is something that should be raised according to the priorities of society and the needs of its patients in order to ultimately benefit the community as a whole.
Dr. Reza Saidi Firoozabadi – Transplant surgeon
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