Who is the future; the robot or the human?
f.rezaei2021-12-24T01:37:38+03:30In recent decades, humans have succeeded in producing robots that can perform certain human tasks by simulating the structure of the human brain. These robots can walk, work in factories and even drive like humans. Today’s more advanced robots are even capable of analyzing medical images and research data. So now the question may arise whether the robot will replace humans in the future? Will many jobs be lost in the future due to the presence of robots? If so, where will the future of higher education go? How to train people for future jobs; Jobs that do not disappear with the presence of robots? More than a hundred years ago, with the Industrial Revolution, many jobs on farms disappeared and workers were sent to factories. With the revolution in artificial intelligence and robot technology, this will happen again, and many of the current jobs will be done by robots. Many tasks that need to be “repeated” will be done by robots in the future. For example, in many machine-building robots, robots have replaced humans, or robots are able to perform millions of complex mathematical calculations in a fraction of a second. The fact is that smarter robots are being made every day. Numerous studies have predicted that more than half of current human occupations will cease to exist in the next 20 years. Of course, this forecast itself promises the creation of other new jobs in the future. Our education systems must prepare the new generation for this phenomenon. It should be noted that although robots are gradually getting better and smarter, humans have characteristics that robots will never reach. These features should be relied on in the education of the new generation, especially in higher education. One of these characteristics is “initiative” and “creativity”. Innovation and creativity are the driving force of human progress. Education should be designed to cultivate this trait. The robot is a programmed machine that is devoid of any initiative or creativity. Therefore, human beings are always ahead of robots by having this advantage. Other characteristics of human beings include human relationships and interaction. Many businesses need these two features that robots lack. Excellence and progress in human relationships is not something that is created overnight in humans and requires practice and practice. A forward-looking education system can instill the seeds of this trait in the younger generation. Jobs that require both “initiative” and “human relations” will never be replaced by robots. This is an opportunity for the new generation to choose a field and a future job. Conversely, jobs that require “repetition” will certainly be phased out in the future because robots are better able to do them than humans. Another issue is that with the advancement in technology, knowledge and jobs will also become traditional and fixed and will be fluid. Therefore, it is necessary for man to prepare himself for lifelong learning. What people learn at school or university will definitely change over the years and decades to come. Therefore, human beings must learn to always be instructive. Education does not end with the completion of a classical education course at a school or university. It is a feature of science and technology that is always changing. Therefore, the new generation must prepare for it, and this is not possible except by creating a spirit of lifelong learning in individuals. Educational systems must also institutionalize this feature in the new generation. The population of the planet is increasing day by day. Advances in technology have increasingly connected people. This in itself will create more intense competition between peoples and countries. With advances in technology, especially in the field of computers, artificial intelligence in the world of robots will move to a different future; A future in which the role of technology will become more and more. Many jobs and professions will be lost or lost their importance. Of course, this will create new opportunities; Job opportunities, especially in areas that require “creativity” and “human relationships” that are not made by robots. Our education system must plan for this. With the advent of advanced robots and the new generation, the work environment for human beings will definitely change. This is a phenomenon that can still be seen in many jobs. Many current jobs will be lost in the future; Just as many jobs of the last century no longer exist. From now on, the new generation must be prepared for these changes, which are too late tomorrow.
Dr. Reza Saidi Firoozabadi – Transplant Surgeon
Another article: Who's the future; Robot or human?
Artificial intelligence technology has been able to mimic human behavior by mimicking the function of the brain and the communication of its cells. This technology is so advanced today that it can do a lot of human work and help a lot of human work. The application of this technology is also expanding in medicine today. This technology has greatly assisted patients in advancing medical services by increasing the capabilities of physicians, nurses, and medical researchers. This technology helps in analyzing the innumerable information of patients in electronic files. By entering the information of thousands of patients in various fields such as clinical data, laboratory data and imaging, artificial intelligence can help the physician in data analysis, diagnosis and treatment of the disease by creating various networks or algorithms; For example, by inserting retinal images of thousands of patients with diabetes, artificial intelligence can help the doctor more quickly diagnose the early stages of ocular complications of diabetes. In 2019, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the use of this software to diagnose eye disease caused by diabetes. Early detection of cancer is another application of artificial intelligence in the analysis of tissue samples of patients. This software has far more power than the human eye to detect a small number of cancer cells, thus helping to diagnose cancer more quickly in the early stages. Another application of artificial intelligence is in the analysis of imaging data. Artificial intelligence is able to accurately evaluate millions of imaging data in a short period of time and help physicians diagnose diseases more quickly in the early stages. Artificial intelligence has also advanced in surgery today, so that using this technology, robots have been designed that can accurately assist patients in surgery. Other applications of this technology in surgery include the design of robots that can transmit patient information live to the physician in an instant so that he or she can make the best decision about treating the patient. These robots can even work as a patient nurse. The application of this technology is in telemedicine. Using this method, the doctor will be able to treat patients in remote areas without a doctor or even in war zones. Other applications of artificial intelligence technology include the analysis of molecular and genetic data. By carefully analyzing these data, artificial intelligence helps to discover new genes and diagnose diseases more quickly, which in turn will lead to the advancement of medical knowledge. With the development and expansion of the role of artificial intelligence in medicine, the question arises whether this technology will one day replace humans? It should be noted that artificial intelligence will help physicians and nurses and other medical staff, but will never be able to replace the human and emotional role of medical staff. High-precision artificial intelligence in data analysis will help to improve the quality of the treatment staff. Other benefits of using artificial intelligence technology in medicine include increasing efficiency, reducing the workload of medical staff, and reducing the costs of diagnosing and treating patients. Artificial intelligence will become one of the most important pillars of health care systems in the near future. It is necessary to include training in the use of this technology in the training courses of medical staff. In 2019, the largest investment in artificial intelligence was in the field of medicine. It is predicted that in the next 50 years, many of the jobs that humans are currently doing will be lost to artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence, especially in tasks that require repetition, will be much faster and more accurate than humans. It should be noted that artificial intelligence can never replace humans in tasks that require the direct involvement of human emotions and judgment. Therefore, from now on, it is necessary for the training system of medical staff to consider this issue in the education and training of future generations of medical staff. Certainly many tasks that require duplication or analysis of multiple data, such as laboratory information or imaging, will be performed in the future by artificial intelligence, which is both more accurate, faster, and cheaper. Therefore, it is necessary for the next generation of medicine to become familiar with the use of this technology during their studies.
Dr. Reza Saidi Firoozabadi – Transplant Surgeon
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